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Twilight, Travel, and Treats

Reflections of a Twihard on all things twilight, travel, and treats.

First off, to all my non-blogger friends whose only link to the Twilight universe is ME these are the new Eclipse trailers released on March 10th (10 second teaser) and March 11th (30 seconds).


March 11th longer trailer

My thoughts on the trailers were that I was a little disappointed. Edward's hair was a bit flat and I didn't get the tingles up my spine that I was expecting. With the New Moon trailers I always felt a buzz like I'd just had some kind of "experience" every time I watched them. It was so intense that I'd almost cry and have to only watch them once per day. It seems weird to me as well that I would get so strongly affected but you know they were trying to kill Edward! We'll have to see when more trailers come out over time. I can't wait for the proposal scene - one of my absolute favourites from the book.

I just saw Valentine's Day last night.

Pleasantly surprised that it didn't suck. The last few times I've watched a Hollywood Smorgasbord like Gosford Park or Pret-a-Porter I have not liked it very much. Despite my general dislike of Taylor Lautner I didn't cringe very much during his scenes. Taylor Swift seemed to be written as such a bubble head I did feel for her that she didn't have a fair chance to show off her acting skills.
Few conclusions that I reached. Jessica Alba really doesn't look as good as a blonde aka Nikki Reed. Topher Grace has been working out. Patrick Dempsey does a good job playing an ass. And Eric Dane really likes scenes where he's walking around in a towel (it seems that this is his usual mode of acting!)
Lastly, Anne Hathaway can be so funny! Did you know her people once called our office looking for someone willing to do a hotel visit on her while she was filming? Apparently she was too sick and couldn't come to any office and insisted the doctor come to her hotel room. We were too busy and had to say no.

On a side note, I am leaving for Hong Kong this Saturday and extremely tempted now to watch Remember Me tomorrow night. After all, who needs to pack? Just because I've been out for two dinners and a movie this week already doesn't preclude me going out for another movie does it? I'm trying to make up for missing the New Moon DVD release on March 20th - boo hoo!

There are a ton of Remember Me scene snippets as well but you should be able to find everything at the Remember Me Official Summit site.

I will endeavour to post while away in Asia. My mission while I'm there is to scour the back alleys for cheap Twilight merchandise from the factories in China. Wish me luck!

For all of you Bloggers, I'll be posting again today about the Twi-Mobile revolution that's underway...


Twired Jen said...

OK, I watched the 10 sec trailer again...doesn't give you much. And, I'm not surprised that you're disappointed by the full one. I have heard that a few times today.
Here's my take. Eclipse has so much more to it than New Moon did...so they're picking the crapiest parts to show first...so as not to give us what we all want right a way...right...right? LMAO.

As for Valentines Day...I too was pleasantly surprised. Def don't like Jessica as a blonde either, and Patrick plays a damn good asshole. Loved the restaurant scene with Jennifer Garner.

Lastly, go see REMEMBER ME tomorrow. How long can it be? It will be like a Rob-bon-voyage to yourself ;) Come on, you deserve it.


Honolulu Girl-Suz said...

You are so cute. Have a blast in Asia, and buy some awesome stuff!!
(whispering) I didn't like her wig in the trailer and the more I watch it, the more I notice. Shhh!

Dangrdafne said...

I say go see Remember Me tomorrow! My hubby is actually going to take me to see it and actually stay to watch it with me on Saturday - big step for him.

I watched the official trailer once on my phone at work today...the next time I will see it will be on Saturday during the previews and then I will watch it over and over after that :) Don't know why just feels like what I should do.

My newest post has a whole paragraph devoted to you TwilightCupcake :) woo hoo

Amy said...

I thought the fan made Eclipse trailers were better. It was lacking a spark, but that doesn't mean the movie will be bad. Although Bella's wig is not promising.

You have a general dislike of Taylor Lautner!? What!? He's adorable!

twilightcupcake said...

Okay Jen I'll hope you're right that they're saving the good stuff for later. Jennifer garner in the restaurant was very good. Hope the pseudo fever subsides.

@HG. I always get called cute in RL too but I mostly thought it was because I'm Alice sized. I'll try and enjoy the trip while away and get lots of random twilight stuff hopefully.

@Dangrdafne. I love that you hubby is coming with you to the movie. Maybe this is the equivalent of you seeing spiderman or something. I appreciate the whole paragraph shout too. It made me feel happy to make your day easier.

twilightcupcake said...

@Amy. I never saw any fanmade trailers but I'm not surprised they were better. I have hope it will be good ;) I am anti Taylor because I am projecting my anti Jacob tendencies onto him. Can't help it. Like he panders to the crowd as well. Okay I don't want to offend anyone...

Musing Bella said...

Safe travels to you! Good luck with the merch search!

sparkle for twilight said...

My gosh, it was my mission to see Valentines Day this afternoon with a friend and she got confused and when we got there the guy was like, we're not playing Valentines Day anymore! Have so much fun on your trip (pack early, that's my warning)! You will definitely be able to find some Twilight crap on your trip, it'll all probably like slightly askew though lol

Go see RM before your trip, if anything it'll give you lots to think about on the plane ride!

mk said...

So did you go see "Remember Me"? I am so curious as to what the twist ending is that I may read one of the spoilers... but, then again, I've held out this long, might as well just enjoy the movie!

Yes, the Eclipse trailer was somewhat lacking, agreed. My all time favorite is the tent scene - can't wait for that one.

ps. I ordered Bel Ami from indigo online ... as well as the potty training book ;)

twilightcupcake said...

MK - OMG I forgot about the tent scene. Squeals! that should be awesome.
I didn't go see Remember Me. didn't leave the office until 730pm and totally in denial of packing.
Love the combo of books you ordered ;) I'll see if I find anything in HK for you.

Michl said...

Hey Jen!
The other day my son and I were watching ET and saw the Eclipse preview! OMFG! David Slade did an amazing job! The trailer left us wanting to see more!