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Twilight, Travel, and Treats

Reflections of a Twihard on all things twilight, travel, and treats.

For those of you just arriving here
Questions 1-7 from September 11 - here's Quiz Day 1
Questions 8-14 from September 12 - here's Quiz Day 2

Remember, there's a $50 Zazzle gift certificate for MotU merchandise at stake.

Before we start for the day - deepest apologies that the Quiz Day 2 answers could be found in Chapters 11-15 and not Chapters 11-14 as previously stated. I'm sorry if that threw some of you off and please feel free to email me with any amended answers but I will give everyone a freebie for the day.

Moving on...
Quiz Day #3
(Hint - all answers are found within Chapters 15-20)

15) What colour is Edward's bedroom?
16) The first night they have sex how many orgasms does Bella have in total?
17) What fictional character does Bella equate Edward to when she ties up her hair in pigtails?
18) What does Edward call non-BDSM sex?
19) What kind of sports car does Edward drive?
20) How many subs has Edward had?
21) What item of Edward's does Bella take with her after her first night at his home?

Click for Quiz Day 4 questions.

You can email me daily with your answers for the current day or you can email me at the end with answers for all 50 at once. The contestants who have the most correct answers to the 50 questions will be entered into the draw for a $50 Zazzle.com certificate for MotU merchandise and a winner randomly chosen.

Send your answers to TwilightCupcake at twimobile(at)gmail(dot)com.
Contest closes midnight September 18th Pacific Standard Time.